Many people say that Triana is Seville and that Seville is Triana. The fact is that this famous neighbourhood of the Andalusian capital still retains the flavour of the history of this city of light bathed by the Guadalquivir.
The neighbourhood opens up to tourists via the famous Triana Bridge, built in the 19th century, which is now one of the most recognizable images of the city of Seville.
After crossing it, you begin to feel a different atmosphere. The history of a working-class and very flamenco neighbourhood begins at the end of the bridge, where you will find the famous little chapel of Carmen, a small chapel designed by the architect Aníbal González - who was also responsible for the design of the Plaza de España - and which shows one of the strong points of the neighbourhood, the famous Triana ceramics.
There are many places that tourists can visit in Seville's most emblematic neighbourhood and which deserve at least a few minutes' attention.
What to see in Triana
Triana is an area of Seville thatsmells of flamenco from all four sides, full of life. It has also been the place of residence of many illustrious people, who have strolled through its streets and got marvelled at the beauty of its nooks and crannies. If you have to decide what to see in Triana, in Seville, here are some suggestions.
History and legend coexist in Triana. This is one of the most charming places in Seville. The Triana Market is where you can feel most the tingling of art and the "duende" of the people of Triana.
Triana Market
With its entrance in the heart of the neighbourhood, the Triana Market is located in what used to be the castle of San Jorge, headquarters of the Inquisition in Seville in 1481.
This market square, full of shops with an Andalusian flavour, reflects the authentic atmosphere of Triana. Among its premises are the typicalspaces dedicated to the best restaurants in the area, where tourists can enjoy the most traditional dishes of Seville.
Betis Street
Eating -and many other things - is also something you can do in Calle Betis, undoubtedly one of the most popular streets in the city. Its name recalls the way the Romans called the river Guadalquivir when they occupied this territory.
Parallel to the river, Calle Betis offers some of the best views of Seville. It is also a bustling area full of activity and shops.
Plaza del Altozano in Triana
Of course, no one can leave Triana without visiting the Plaza del Altozano or enjoying the monument to pottery, the old and true driving force of the neighbourhood.
Most people who visit Triana declare themselves to be completely in love with its streets and its essence forever. And this is understandable becauseyou can breathe a special air just by crossing the bridge, an atmosphere of magic and art that defines the Sevillian and the Trianero. Strolling through Triana is a spectacle for the senses, a decision that no one regrets.